Jan Potoms

Results 162 issues of Jan Potoms

I'd like to resize images to specific dimensions, with respecting aspect ration, but always cropped from the top. When using: https://willnorris.com/api/imageproxy/cy0,300x100/https://willnorris.com/2013/12/small-things.jpg It always crops to the middle. like so: ![imageproxy](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2109932/46524098-06345300-c888-11e8-9aa5-933ef38427ec.jpg)...

As title says 🙂 I'd say `graphql` tagged templates are quite common in javascript code


Can also port this repo to typescript altogether if there's interest in that.

tsconfig behaves differently with `tsc` vs. Next.js. When `baseurl` is omitted, `paths` are resolved against the tsconfig location. Consequentially, in this case the paths must start with `./`. This PR...

type: next

Ran into this while debugging another problem. `babel-plugin-styled-components` doesn't recognise these imports: ```tsx import { styled as matStyled } from '@mui/material/styles' ```

I'm currently investigating an issue on `@mui/material`+`styled-components`+`next` (https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/29742). It turns that in the Next.js server bundle, the `styled` calls are not correctly being identified by `babel-plugin-styled-components`. The server bundle uses...

When you have series in an xy-chart with missing data at the end, visx will try to execute xAccessor with `undefined` when hovering over the part where data is missing....

🐛 bug
👋 help wanted

Stumbled upon this when accidentally supplying invalid url `'redis://:localhost:6379'` instead of `'redis://localhost:6379'` as a connection string. But this connection string causes unhandled rejections in `ioredis`. To reproduce: ```js const Redis...


Can't seem to parse urls like `http://xn--abc.com`. This seems to work in browsers though. I've been digging through the code and specs a bit. It looks like `tr46.toASCII` returns an...

topic: parser
topic: idna

I've been using this hook ```jsx function useContentRect (ref) { const [contentRect, setContentRect] = useState(ref.current ? ref.current.getBoundingClientRect() : {}); useEffect(() => { if (!ref.current) return; const observer = new window.ResizeObserver(entries...