@serrg1994 I had this issue before. It seems you were build a `war` file, and `bootBuildImage` read `Spring-Boot-Classpath-Index` in `MANIFEST.MF` only store in `jar` file. So you need to delete...
You need to add `PDE Facet` or [add `Eclipse PDE Partial` framework support](https://github.com/JaneWardSandy/eclipse-pde-partial-idea/wiki/Quick-start#add-frameworks-support-添加框架支持) to `Module` first, then subsequent `inspection` of code and dependencies will be carried out normally.
At present, the `v1.x` version does not support compilation systems other than `IntellIJ`, so this error is inevitable😓 It is planned to completely reconstruct the project in the `v2.x` version...
I will try to add document description in DOM extractor.
I’m a bit busy lately, I may not start trying to add this feature until this weekend
I had no idea how to implement it, I see the xml document from `DomExtender` was set `setDeclaringElement` to field element, and then it will read java doc as document.
@lppedd When we using Eclipse modify `plugin.xml`, it will add document into `tag` and `attribute`, even it didn't had competition. In IDEA, I using `DOMExtender` to build `plugin.xml` schema and...
Ref: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=yaozheng.vscode-pde
Yeah, `content` and `artifacts` seems identical, and those two file under `update.site` seems too. Did we add all repository into target in one `Location` if we select the `composite repositories`?...
Yes, as you said, this design is more reasonable and more user-friendly. It's just that the scalability of my code writing is not good before, and it is not easy...