James Sherratt

Results 23 comments of James Sherratt

Some problems I found so far: - RTCc checks (type coercion problem detection) were preventing builds succeeding - solved (switch it off) - Some headers e.g. any sdl header does...

hardcoding the path to libvlc allows vlc-based project to build, so vlc nuget is a valid project.

Managed to build libglest (vs2019), but I had to copy some headers out of SDL2 directory in vcpkg folder and I had to manually specify lib directories.

Linked everything and glest_game appears to build, but the linker leaves me with 3300 + errors (mostly "unresolved external symbol").

Now using libglew from nuget, because version from vcpkg is too new. Build gets so far then fails catastrophically at linking https://gist.github.com/Jammyjamjamman/76e31e6a61af5f1cb491010cbe4fb714

I made a second attempt at building on windows with vcpkg, with no luck 👎 . I get these errors currently: ``` 1>libglest.lib(miniupnpc.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_ssdpDiscoverDevices...

I've pushed some more changes to https://github.com/MegaGlest/megaglest-source/tree/vcpkg_build Megaglest now builds, but fails to run. All that happens is the game starts, the loading spinner flickers, and I get this in...

I ran it in verbose to get some more info, but nothing obviously suspicious: ``` .\megaglest.exe --verbose In [C:\Users\blues\git_repos\megaglest-source\source\shared_lib\include\platform\sdl\platform_main.h::mainSetup Line: 521] In [C:\Users\blues\git_repos\megaglest-source\source\shared_lib\include\platform\sdl\platform_main.h::mainSetup Line: 529] About to validate SSE support...

Steps to reproduce what I've done so far: 1. Get Visual studio 2019 https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ Install with the windows c++ development tools. 2. Pull this project https://github.com/MegaGlest/megaglest-source/tree/vcpkg_build 3. Get vcpkg: https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg...

I have been re-attempting this, with a lot more success (mainly thanks to @andy5995 ). Decided to try and build using cmake: https://github.com/MegaGlest/megaglest-source/tree/windows-cmake-build-testing This uses vcpkg+cmake+msbuild. I tested it using...