
Results 14 issues of JamesOlvertone

There are some situations (I dont know why) muwire looses files from the download list after a restart. The files are still in the inclomplete folder with name+hash.part and name+hash.pieces...

GUI becomes unresponsive after searching e.g. by /.*/ that result in a huge amount of results.

Activate "share downloaded files" then the downloadfolder appears in Library in the file tree. Now move some downloaded files from the download folder anywhere else. Bug: The download folder in...

Some ideas: * Add a database of known/downloaded files like in emule (known.met, cancelled.met), but use a real DB like H2/sqlite/... for this so that it is readable by other...

Scenario: You search for something, have some results, click one user and youl get some kind of folder structure where this match occured. Maybe the files, or Foldername whatever. Now...

When I browse a users share (that shares many files) it loads not all, sometimes it gets stuck forever or it "looses" content.

Hi, git clone https://github.com/zlatinb/muwire cd ./muwire ./gradlew clean tracker:bootRun results to this: * What went wrong: Project 'tracker' not found in root project 'muwire'.

Tested under Linux with different JDKs: Switching the GUI to "system" stays always in Swing-Design. Seems that System under Linux is not GTK, it is Metal (Ocean). I wrote a...

There is a new Zero-Day-Exploit in Java systems possible, called "Log4-Shell" on systems which use Apache Log4J. https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228 If I grep over the source I get some hits but I...

Starting: java -jar cli-lanterna-0.8.10-all.jar after setup (did a fresh one, no older config dir is there ) it tries to connect to the local i2prouter but fails: `Exception in thread...