Same Problem here. Can download the node.dat from link above with browser and have other edk-file links added so it can bootstrap from them, connected to server too, kad ist...
I see, I read 110 too. Thank you for explaining this. No I am not really interested in developing this lanterna based thing. I only was curious how complex the...
Yes, great improvement of responsiveness. Even when Hashing + Searching it is responsive. Thank you.
Yes I found that line right now too. Well I only wanted to play around with this tracker, I don't need it actually.
My test above was with the zip-version 0.8.10. Tested it with Open-JDK 11.0.2 and some others, no difference. In the GUI-Dialog appear only three RadioButtons: System, Darcula, Metal. Darcula works....
No, no warnings. I tried the latest from github. Ah, here we go, a drop down with all the themes, no GTK or Nimbus appears in the list. The themes...
XUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS, xfce Desktop. There is another strange thing with Swing and GTK-LnF: To get a list which LnFs are available there is javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(). It returns LookAndFeelInfo Objects on...
Works: Acryl Bernstein HiFi Noire System -> uses Metal !!! Aero Texture Works not: nothing happens when clicking on save, dialog does not close, gui does not change Aluminium Metal...
Sorry for late answer I was ill+busy. Thank you very much. I tested it and all works fine.
It has no "configure" option. The folder itself is greyed out. Even new subfolders in it are greyed out. The files in the subfolders are not greyed.