Jake 'Sid' Smith

Results 115 comments of Jake 'Sid' Smith

Which version of `react-reorder` are you using?

Happy for you to open a pull request for this. 🙂 I doubt I'll be able to implement it any time soon. 🙁

@cyberpluto I wouldn't want to add this to the library in this way as there would be no way to not prevent the `stopPropagation`. However, allowing a user to manually...

You shouldn't be able to scroll while dragging an item. Scrolling is implemented so that when you drag an item near the bottom / top of the list it'll scroll...

Ahh, I think I see what you mean. Even while not dragging an item you cannot scroll past the reorderable list?

Kk. Well, this'll definitely need a fair bit of work. This component was designed to work like a native Android / iOS listview, and they don't tend to have other...

I've stayed up way too late working on this, but I'm very close to a breakthrough. Will hopefully have the solution tomorrow. Gonna sleep on it. :)

Ah, I didn't realise you'd need a specific droppable area. Can't use margins between them? I guess styles should remain separate from functionality, so adding some way to configure this...

Actually, scratch that CSS, that'd also mean you could only drag by clicking inside the droppable area... :|

I'll have a think about possible ways to do this and try to get it into v3. :)