Jake 'Sid' Smith

Results 126 comments of Jake 'Sid' Smith

Okay, seems it was renamed here: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/commit/ee25cdecbca49b2b5a290ecd65224f425b1d6a9c#diff-46fd87925e4552c166ec188712741c3fR5899 I'll try to update when I have some time. 🙂

Hey, @jkaldon . Thought I should probably give you an update: I have fixed the issue, but I can't publish it as there's something wrong with the documentation generation at...

Just published 0.7.0 which should fix this issue. 😊

You'll want to `npm i [email protected]` as I've introduced some new bugs in `0.7.1` and `0.7.2`. Oops. Will be sorting those asap.

Unfortunately my project got side-tracked, so I didn't get round to writing these types.

I'm now on Ventura 13.4, but it appears to be working nicely in 4.4.0. 😁

Is the router not project specific? If not, I guess web would work fine.

I've never used the sass version of Bootstrap, so I may need some help, but I'd love to give it a go. :)

Note to self: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/blob/master/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss

Plan was to have it save to localstorage. But until that's implemented we could add a warning when leaving the page?