Jacob Reynolds
Jacob Reynolds
Tried bringing whois back in, but it does not allow certain domains by default (like .es).
Add a description for unions that require specific data types. We try to use null to be agnostic, but this is not fool proof. Example: `SELECT "mysql","test" UNION SELECT @@version,null`...
PGSync version: 2.1.10 Postgres version: 13 Elasticsearch version: 7.10.2 Redis version: 6.2.6 Python version: 3.9.8 Problem Description: Bulk inserts into the database take a considerable amount of time to be...
Does pgsync support cluster mode for redis/elasticache?
Currently sends 11 emails, double check handling for rate limiting.
Current error page for CSRF errors is ugly
It's been a struggle finding whois tools to use, since most python libraries print socket errors directly to the console: ```Socket Error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed...