
Results 36 comments of JackieMe

> With MIMIC-III data we had dates of death outside of the hospital stay. However our source of dates of death became extremely poor sometime in ~2013, and so we...

Thanks for your explanation! I now get it why the time interval is like that. But I've read the guildline and didn't find anything helpful for the 2n question. Maybe...

@alistairewj I looked again into the `kdigo_stages_7day` and `kdigo_stages_48hr` data today, it occurred to me that the code to sum urine outputs over time intervals and diagnose AKI according to...

Thanks for the quick solution. I've checked the results again after a git pull of revised code. Now the time points will be when AKI diagnose is made and for...

@alistairewj Oh yes I saw it in https://github.com/MIT-LCP/mimic-code/commit/01ee15aac33e70f21eeeac9feacb106b025f4661, but I think it's better to do this in `kdigo-uo.sql`. I've been thinking about how to do this and didn't get anything...

@alistairewj So how about this: for every given record of urine output in `urineoutput` we divede patitent's weight and the time interval(`charttime` - last `charttime`) the record is for and...

@Kshine000 It's the same logic for all, just change the time intervals and threshold values according to AKI staging thresholds, code may be redundently long though.

> I didn't know but it seems that Mac uses BSD `sed` (i don't know the difference between the two) Try install GNU version of `sed` and set it as...

> Can you tell me is there any difference between the two "make-concepts.sh" and "make-concepts.sql" files? I attached the .sql file with this message. a `xxx.sh` file is for unix-like...

Hi. I upgraded from `jupyterlab-app (3.1.12-1)` to `jupyterlab-desktop (3.3.4-2)` on my Debian Linux laptop and got this error too. ``` Set Python Environment Failed to find a compatible Python environment...