Jack Hopkins
Jack Hopkins
Hey @cosmastech, a simple dataclass could work just as well! If you're looking to contribute - awesome! I can create a couple of issues that are good starter issues to...
Could you please have a look at [this](https://github.com/monkeypatch/monkeypatch.py/issues/89) one? @cosmastech
@MartBakler any progress made here?
Hey Richard, This is cool, I’m definitely aware of your project. Let me chat with the guys and figure our how we can make this work. It would be great...
Hey @jakelaws1, could you please paste your full code? Below is what I am (successfully running). There are a few syntax errors in the code you posted at the top,...
Okay brilliant, I think I have the information necessary to replicate this. I will try when I’m back at my machine!Sent from my iPhoneOn 20 Nov 2023, at 10:52, Jake...
What formats are the applications in?
This looks like a good Dagster + MonkeyPatch solution
But could be done in normal python too.