
Results 27 issues of Jack·Boos·Yu

Hi Developers, We have a issue [#9111](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/9111) reporting that evpp cannot be successfully built on OSX. After investigation, I think evpp is not fully adapted to OSX, see my PR...

Hi guys, Recently, some issues in vcpkg reported that opencv4 or Darknet failed to build when using protoc([#10695](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/10695) [#11802](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/11802) etc.). After an in-depth investigation, the reason for the build failure...


When using `pkg_check_modules`, `CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` must be set greater than or equal to `3.1` to allow cmake to automatically add `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` to `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` so that `pkg-config` can be called to find...

Hi guys, I'm trying to fix hyperscan's dependency pcre in vcpkg (https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/26028) but got some link issues: ``` 4>GroundTruth.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_compile2@@24 referenced in function "public:...

Hi, I want to upgrade fcl to the latest version 0.3.4 in vcpkg, but I encountered the following error in building fcl: >broadphase_dynamic_AABB_tree_array.cpp(136): error C2039: 'getChild': is not a member...

Other users may also use pkgconfig in cmake.

**Describe the bug (描述bug)** Hi 各位, 我是vcpkg维护者。 这段时间我们收到了一个brpc的build失败问题 ( https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/22962 ): ``` [328/338] : && /usr/bin/c++ -DBRPC_WITH_GLOG=1 -DGFLAGS_NS=google -DBTHREAD_USE_FAST_PTHREAD_MUTEX -D__const__= -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SYMBOLIZE -DNO_TCMALLOC -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -DBRPC_REVISION=\"0.9.7\|master\|7e7dad5fe\|2022-02-04T18:00:26-08:00\" -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -g -DENABLE_THRIFT_FRAMED_PROTOCOL...

capnproto is available as a port in vcpkg, a C++ library manager that simplifies installation for capnproto and other project dependencies. Documenting the install process here will help users get...

当前project的CMakeLists.txt也太简单了吧。要记得cmake不仅仅提供build,test,也提供install。官方的cmake应当提供install功能。 你可以把test设置成option可以供其他人调用。 并且建议用export导出libfv-config.cmake。


I've been using xlsxio for a while, but I'm having a little trouble: After writing to excel, I need to set the font name, size, underline or bold according to...