- Increased height of pause menu. Now it looks more proportionate; - Fixed an inaccuracy showing a map seed instead of selected map name while playing on selected map; -...
- Made the function more compact; - Used ``OpenMovie`` function. The startups look much smoother; - Added ``Show/HidePointer``; - Updated to the latest TSS startup.
After the fix, the mouse no longer accelerates on different resolutions
New texture is smoother and better masks the joints between faces Before:  After: 
Hide unnecessary object. Show the sprite only while event is started (while player is entering the room)
- Fixed decals disappearing after the intro sequence (just spawned them manually, but removed random generation for sync); - Removed strange guard backward movement; - Fixed gurads not shooting at...
- Removed unnecessary ``ChannelPlaying`` checks from ``RemoveNPC``, ``KillSounds``, ``ResumeSounds`` and ``PauseSounds`` function. We don't need to check if the sound is playing, enough to know does it exist or not;...