Hi Jason, I also discovered an other problem with mapping readings : The tinytuya server command /sync is purging mapping descriptions in devices.json ! Obviously, following command /status/ are missing...
How could I use Tinytuya to send this command in order to set the value for over current alarm to this device : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B09FPD3LMZ/ From devices.json : "category": "dlq", "product_name":...
Hi Jason, I have a problem with this hardware (Open DIN switch) and tinytuta server https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B09FPD3LMZ/ From devices.json : "category": "dlq", "product_name": "breaker", "product_id": "hz2o2tnezttmmx15", "biz_type": 18, "model": "ZC01W", Device...
With this VB code you get an execution error with Odoo V17 Obviously, AccountMoveOdooModel have been pasted from GetDotNetModel result Testing code : Dim tableName = "account.move" Dim modelResult =...
With this VB code you get same result for AllRecordList and FilteredRecordList (ie all records in both cases) with Odoo 17. This was working fine with Odoo 16 Obviously, ResPartnerOdooModel...
I managed to create partners, customer and supplier invoices against Odoo V16. Thanks to this API. Next step is now to change created invoices status from "draft" status in which...