Thanks for answer Keep me informed about next progress on this subject
As temporary workaround, this bash script could be used to regenerate correct mappings in devices.json instead of using tinyserver command /sync #!/bin/bash cd ~/tinytuya docker stop tinytuya printf 'Y\nY\n\N\n' |...
Hi Jason, The problem is that DPS integer and value available from tinytuya server are not including all the entries available in dps mapping also returned by same tinytuya server...
Last finding about this subject : Finding 1) This python3 code based cloud.py example is giving good mappings and values for the same device : import tinytuya tinytuya.set_debug(False) c =...
Wizard already successfully run during installation process of this device. As already said : tuya-raw.json file generated by wizard contains good mappings and ALL CORRESPONDING VALUES for this device. So...
Hi Jason, I found a way to set locally and via Tuya cloud the alarms in this device using this code : d=tinytuya.OutletDevice(DEVICEID, DEVICEIP, DEVICEKEY) d.set_version(3.3) payload=d.generate_payload(tinytuya.CONTROL, {'17': Alarm1ValB64.decode('ascii'), '18':...
Hi Jason, After examination of Tinituya code, I think the problem comes from 'def detect_available_dps' method of tinytuya core.py This method is querying Device ports in a brute force way...
After checks I see that devices.json contains all mappings. So tinytuya core.py def detect_available_dps function could be rewritten to just read this file to get good mappings.
Jason, I do not feel comfortable with writing part of Tinytuya code But I am definitively ready to test any update in code especially in server code !