Josh Kelle
Josh Kelle
Thank you @melissalinkert for confirming it's an architecture issue, and for opening an issue with jxrlib! Once jxrlib adds an M1 build, will that be included in an updated version...
I have the exact same error. I just installed version 0.4.0.
@GangqiangZhao Thank you! I'm now able to download those annotation files. However, I still cannot finish building the dataset. When I run `builder.download_and_prepare()`, it runs for a few hours before...
I'm also experiencing a problem that I think will be solved by updating the `.jar` version.
I would be great if there was an option to install bioformats separately and we can specify which jars python-bioformats should use. That way we can change bioformats version without...
I'm having the same problem. My computer is an M1 Mac with MacOS Big Sur 11.6. Java-related details of my system: ``` $ /usr/libexec/java_home -V Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):...
I was using a conda environment, and I installed `javabridge` and `bioformats` into that conda environment via pip. I was able to resolve this issue by installing `openjdk` via conda...
@neilyio When I run `os.getenv("JAVA_HOME")` in my conda environment, I get `'/Users/jkelle/opt/miniconda3/envs/worker'` ('worker' is the name of my conda environment). When I run the code in `_find_mac_lib`, javabridge finds `libjli.dylib`...
The `SamOnnxModel` constructor takes a boolean called `return_single_mask`. The notebook uses `return_single_mask=True` but it looks like you might be able to just pass `return_single_mask=False` to get a multi-mask oxxn model....
I'm also interested in using `RTMDet` instance segmentation. Do you have an estimate for when it will be released? I found a config for it (configs/rtmdet/ but I don't see...