Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines@2018-06-01 incorrect types under properties->activities. Have this on PR Azure/bicep#999 Looking 'Container' or 'Execution'
Bicep version: 0.2.59 (5b0314c03c) Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces@2018-01-01-preview' says: `Resource type "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces@2018-01-01-preview" does not have types available.bicep(BCP081)`
Any update on this?
No modules are optional way to structure and organize. If looking to do this all in one file, I'm assuming after release, the code will look like: ``` resource rg...
Posting to keep the thread alive as I mostly agree with @ahelland responses. I think at the end of the day the substitution needs the ability to occur at CLI...
@tomkerkhove Looks like the sign off did not take...not sure why....