Results 8 issues of JFGHT

**Describe the bug** I am retrieving the images I want to add to Hooper from Google Storage. It turns out that Hooper won't display correctly these images that are obtained...


**Describe the bug** It simply doesn't work after answering the questions. ``` Error: Line 14: Unexpected token ... at ErrorHandler.constructError (/home/user/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/esprima/dist/esprima.js:5012:22) at ErrorHandler.createError (/home/user/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/esprima/dist/esprima.js:5028:27) at Parser.unexpectedTokenError (/home/user/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/esprima/dist/esprima.js:1985:39) at Parser.throwUnexpectedToken (/home/user/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/esprima/dist/esprima.js:1995:21)...

Hello there. Does the node api support [split payments](https://docs.mollie.com/connect/splitting-payments)? Thanks.

https://imgur.com/a/vXW4hwH I'm having this issue at executing the auth. Any idea what could it be wrong? This is working: ``` jwt { role userId } ``` Btw: how to de-authenticate?

It would be nice to add -o as a feature to the package. I think it's something crutial which is already in node-sass-chokidar.

So when trying to build the server of the last version 0.0.19, it shows: ``` $ yarn run build-ts $ tsc --sourceMap false /bin/sh: línea 1: todesktop: orden no encontrada...

This PR should fix: https://github.com/newbeea/nuxt3-apollo-module/issues/9 https://github.com/newbeea/nuxt3-apollo-module/issues/2 https://github.com/newbeea/nuxt3-apollo-module/issues/3

Solo quería daros la enhorabuena por los artículos publicados en elconfidencial y en concreto el proyecto `migraciones_espana`. Yo mismo soy uno de los emigrantes de provincia, aunque en mi caso...