Results 18 comments of JFGHT

How are you handling the firing of the prerender process? By event, by time...?

After update 0.1.1, I tried to make it work but it's not. My code: ``` @Watch('images.length') onImagesLengthChange(newLength: number, oldLength: number): void { if (newLength !== oldLength) { // @ts-ignore this.$refs.gallery.restart();...

Working perfectly! Closing issue.

Thanks for the fast answer. 1.- Versions: - "postgraphile": "^4.0.0-beta.9". - "express": "^4.16.3". - psql (PostgreSQL) 9.5.12. - Linux Mint (Ubuntu based). 2.- I answer myself: just removing the token...

@Shinigami92, this should be solved by the library indeed, not by the dev who uses it, so it's incorrect by design.

> > @Shinigami92, this should be solved by the library indeed, not by the dev who uses it, so it's incorrect by design. > > Maybe I will have time...

Bump on this. In the meanwhile you can use the keyboard shortcut: ALT + LEFT.

I'm using beta 6 and have the same error by running `yarn serve`, which is a composition of `npm run build && firebase serve --only functions`. Running those 2 commands...