Results 251 comments of J0WI


This image is based on https://github.com/docker-library/php. You are more likely to find an answer there.

I'm just afraid of adding a new ENV for every setting that was ever implemented by Nextcloud. You can already use environment variables with the `NC_` prefix for simple settings.

I don't know why Nextcloud warns about this optional value. This would be `NC_default_phone_region` or `NC_DEFAULT_PHONE_REGION`.

The only 'documentation' is here: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/fd645d48028335f65c567e708b80942f995f78d9/lib/private/Config.php#L86-L108 But it's used in CI and Debugging like here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/occ_command.html?highlight=nc_#debugging

Yes, I'd even prefer a hint in the official docs because this is not limited to the Docker image.

nginx is no longer part of the phpmyadmin image.

nginx is no longer part of the phpmyadmin image

If you revert #285 you may also want to revert parts of https://github.com/phpmyadmin/docker/pull/286/files#diff-80edf79b0f382a3c6e871ac209ffd6ab to restore the custom user feature. Currently `www-data` is hardcoded.

@tianon thanks for sharing your thoughts! We actually have the same discussion in https://github.com/nextcloud/docker/pull/968. I have some concerns with this variant that the two images may get out of sync....