Did you read this? "AHBL has been discontinued"? But anyway, if you use the correct URL [this one](https://github.com/jjmartres/Zabbix/tree/master/zbx-scripts/rbl.check) I can still download the file
Happened to me as well. The issue had to do with corrupt performance counter library. I fixed it by running this command on the Windows machine: "**lodctr /R**"
Did you restart agent after executing command? The command should work: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2554336/how-to-manually-rebuild-performance-counters-for-windows-server-2008-6 Maybe you have to execute from system32 folder.
This works fine: `UserParameter=system.discovery[*],%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_win_system_discovery.vbs "$1"` `UserParameter=quota[*],%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_win_quota.vbs "$1" "$2"` `UserParameter=wu.all,%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_wus_update_all.vbs` `UserParameter=wu.crit,%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_wus_update_crit.vbs` `UserParameter=server.domain,%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_user_domain.vbs` `UserParameter=server.roles,%systemroot%\system32\cscript.exe /nologo /T:30 C:\zabbix\zabbix_server_role.vbs`...
@xenadmin "The Trigger is based on an average numerical value for 24h." You're sure? My trigger looks only at the last value; {Template Veeam Backup:vbr["RunningJob"].last(0)}>{$VEEAM_MAX_RUNNING_JOB} Works fine for me. Of...
@xenadmin whoops.. you're right, I mixed them up... But then again, if the trigger is based on average value over 24h, and the jobs runs every day it would always...
I believe I've had this problem as well. I changed the UserParameter value in the zabbix_agentd.conf to: `UserParameter=vbr[*],%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -nologo -file "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\zabbix_vbr_job.ps1" "$1" "$2"`
I've had multiple servers where presumably the performance counters where corrupted... Zabbix was showing the "Invalid performance counter path" error. I was able to fix this by running the following...
> This error is generated by the PDO library. > > Do you have a limit on the number of concurrent MySQL sessions? > > The only bug I can...
> But thank you for you answer. This problem seams to have no solution but in fact nearly noone has this problem so there must be a simple solution. :D...