Linhui Dai
Linhui Dai
By refecence this code[], I can get good result. Make a file in the tools folder, and name it as "" ``` from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division...
> @Ixiaohuihuihui Hi, I test imgs use your codes. However the render results is bad. Do you know the reason of this cases? Thanks. I don't know the special issuses....
> @lxiaohuihuihui thanks so much for sharing! If I try with Coco data I get perfect results, but not on my own (because they are scaled differently?). Could you maybe...
> > Hi there, > > I have read your paper and I am interested in using your approach on my data. Do you have any idea when will your...
And I have another question: how to test real images which did not contain gt images?
你好,我有一点不明白,您的crop_test代码里面有这样一行代码:`'path' + pic_name)` 有个问题是对于一个已有线上检测结果的csv文件来说,这样的操作会不断覆盖原图,所以实际上也没有保存每个潜在目标框的信息