Pieter Vincent
Pieter Vincent
The error is because of [this check](https://github.com/keeganstreet/specificity/blob/master/specificity.js#L176-L177) for a `,` anywhere in the selector. A comma on the top level of the selector means there's (at least) 2 different specificities...
Possibly it's only on MacOS now, there's a separate core ticket for that https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/53644
@Rishika-7 It looks like this issue might be missing some information. I'll check what the correct specs are, but feel free to have a look already.
@Rishika-7 I discussed this with @andradaradu and the ticket currently does not have a design for the intended result, only a qualitative description that is a bit vague. So maybe...
@temp @paali The FOSRestBundle body converter requires the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle request.converters setting to be true (see [https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/index.html](https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/index.html) ). ``` yaml sensio_framework_extra: request: { converters: true } ``` The default behavior of...
@brillout It's unclear why you would want to call the `useId` hook, instead of using some kind of natural key, which should be there in all cases if the server...
I rather was asking for more details of the use case. If you're running React on the server, you're loading things from some sort of database, or static objects from...
Ok, that's which libraries you want to use it in. Now, again, what will you do with those IDs? It doesn't matter you have multiple use cases in mind. Just...