I couldn't replicate this behavior locally with the latest dev builds, that target Paper 1.20.4. Could you try updating all your EssentialsX plugins to the latest dev builds and see...
Please fill out all fields and provide adequate information. Your current description fails to provide clear details about the issue you're facing and how it's LuckPerms related.
> I don’t even have anything in the console, where can I get information from, nothing just works for me, no matter what I try, everything I know, I wrote...
Please ensure that all fields on the form are filled out completely and provide your `/ess dump all` link crucial in order to properly diagnose and look into this issue....
> im noticing some potions in kits do not work (all types instant damage pots, there might be more). They show up as "null" when trying to create it The...
> I would like essentialsX for Brazilian Portuguese language Please do not comment on unrelated posts. This has nothing to do with this bug report. Translations are handled on [crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/essentialsx-official).
The pastebin link provided has expired, and upon reviewing your dump link, I couldn't find any errors or warnings related to EssentialsXDiscord. To further investigate, could you please update your...
Unable to reproduce when only Essentials is installed on a [Paper](https://papermc.io/software/paper) 1.20.4 server. You may want to try conducting a [binary search](https://docs.papermc.io/paper/basic-troubleshooting#binary-search) to pinpoint the conflicting plugin, as Essentials doesn't...
As of the recent dev builds that introduced [Adventure](https://docs.advntr.dev/index.html) support, you can use the [click](https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#click) and [hover](https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#hover) tags to run commands on-click and display MiniMessage strings on-hover. You can check...
Quoting Luck on #3676, the suggested course of action here is to: 1. Roll back to the last installed version of LuckPerms that worked, and do a [`/lp export`](https://luckperms.net/wiki/General-Commands#lp-export-file--upload). 2....