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A copy number caller for SMN1 and SMN2 to enable SMA diagnosis and carrier screening with WGS


SMNCopyNumberCaller is a tool to call the copy number of full-length SMN1, full-length SMN2, as well as SMN2Δ7–8 (SMN2 with a deletion of Exon7-8) from a whole-genome sequencing (WGS) BAM file. This caller works with standard WGS sequencing depth (>=30X), and is insensitive to various aligners (BWA and Isaac have been tested and no difference was observed). Please refer to our paper for details about the method.

Chen X, Sanchis-Juan A, French CE, et al. Spinal muscular atrophy diagnosis and carrier screening from genome sequencing data. Genet Med. February 2020:1-9. doi:10.1038/s41436-020-0754-0

SMNCopyNumberCaller is provided under the terms and conditions of the PolyForm Strict License 1.0.0. It requires several third party packages (numpy, scipy, statsmodels and pysam) provided under other open source licenses, which are listed in COPYRIGHT.txt.

Running the program

This Python3 program can be cloned/downloaded from git and run as follows: --manifest MANIFEST_FILE \
              --genome [19/37/38] \
              --prefix OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX \
              --outDir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \
              --threads NUMBER_THREADS

Each line in the manifest file should list the absolute path to an input BAM/CRAM file. For CRAM input, it’s suggested to provide the path to the reference fasta file with --reference in the command.

This tool can also be installed from conda with conda install -c bioconda smncopynumbercaller, see #7.

Interpreting the output

The program produces a .tsv file in the directory specified by --outDir.
The fields are explained below:

Fields in tsv Explanation
Sample Sample name
isSMA Whether sample is called as SMA (zero copy of SMN1)
isCarrier Whether sample is called as SMA carrier (one copy of SMN1)
SMN1_CN Copy number of SMN1 (None means no-call)
SMN2_CN Copy number of SMN2
SMN2delta7-8_CN Copy number of SMN2Δ7–8 (deletion of Exon7-8)
Total_CN_raw Raw normalized depth of total SMN
Full_length_CN_raw Raw normalized depth of full-length SMN
g.27134T>G_CN CN of g.27134T>G, SNP associated with 2+0 silent carrier
SMN1_CN_raw Raw SMN1 CN values at SNP sites that differ btn SMN1/SMN2

A .json file is also produced that contains more information for debugging purpose.

Fields in json Explanation
Coverage_MAD Median absolute deviation of depth, measure of sample quality
Median_depth Sample median depth
SMN1_read_support Number of reads carrying SMN1 allele
SMN2_read_support Number of reads carrying SMN2 allele
SMN1_fraction Fraction of reads carrying SMN1 allele
g27134TG_REF_count Number of reads carrying g.27134T
g27134TG_ALT_count Number of reads carrying g.27134G
g27134TG_raw Raw CN value of g.27134T>G
Info Filter value for SMN1 CN call
Confidence Confidence of SMN1 CN calls at SNP sites

Visualizing the results

A visualization tool for the SMNCopyNumberCaller result takes the .json file produced by SMNCopyNumberCaller and can be run as follows: -s SMN_JSON_FILE \
              -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

A .pdf file is produced for each sample in OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, containing four plots. The first two plots show where the raw depth values (vertical lines) stand against the population samples for the total SMN CN and the full length SMN CN. The third plot shows the raw CN values for SMN1 and SMN2 at 8 sites that we use to determine the consensus. #13 is the splice variant site. The last plot shows the raw read counts for SMN1 and SMN2 on the right y axis and the left y axis is a rough calculation of CN: #reads divided by the median haploid depth. An example can be found here.