
Results 44 comments of Ibuprophen

It looks like it's tied to an Obfuscation thats tied to Apktool itself. ~Ibuprophen

It appears (to me) that this issue is tied specifically to Apktool as the issue is likely the Apps Obfuscation. This software helps in utilizing the tools provided by the...

I'm actually surprised that @coddec didn't clone this (and any other applicable ones related to it) repository to sever it from its predecessor by now. Just a thought/suggestion/recommendation... :-) ~Ibuprophen

Have you tried one of the alternatives/scraper/mirrors? Here's just 2 of them... https://thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=magnum+pi+2018 https://thetvdb.plexapp.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=magnum+pi+2018 There's actually a Magnum PI 2018 but, it's currently only available in Deutsch & Français. https://www.thetvdb.com/search?q=Magnum+PI&l=...