
Results 44 comments of Ibuprophen

Just a quick FYI (in case @ltGuillaume & @warren-bank weren't aware of this)... The following link is to the Github page for TheTVDB (Official) Repositories that may hopefully be of...

I have a handful of other Android devices I use for testing purposes. They all have the TWRP custom recovery and various LineageOS Android Versions (I've been using those Custom...

My apologies for the delay @warren-bank... I downloaded the most recent app and the database file, but I hadn't tested it out yet (as I do plan to). I was...

My apologies @ltGuillaume... I just remembered that it was changing the backup directory to the External Storage that wasn't working. I just changed it to an alternative folder (within the...

Personally, I love the app itself because it's simple and to the point. Much better than the alternatives that's full of images and such (not even referring to advertising as...

This was weird @warren-bank... The following reflects the what your app looked like after I had successfully restored the database (as I had mentioned before)... [TV Tracker - Restored Database](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18060271/173251408-8ff54024-d423-429e-89d6-88245bdbae73.jpg)...

That is a good idea as a feature request/suggestion but, that would require ALLOT of Coding to add a Search/Query feature within already added Shows/Seasons/Episodes...

I recall asking ltGuillaume regarding a similar/same feature a while ago (i know it was 30+ days ago but, i can't recall exactly when) and it wasn't discounted as a...

This would indeed be a great feature! The ability to search within the already added Shows for certain keywords located in the Title, Episode Name and even the Episode Description...

I wasn't sure if you were aware of this @ltGuillaume but, TheTVDB folks just posted the following on their forum that, I believe, may be of interest to you My...