
Results 44 comments of Ibuprophen

@Rovo89, I hope everything is going well with you My Friend. ~Ibuprophen

Just an FYI regarding this... I had submitted https://github.com/rovo89/XposedInstaller/pull/458 pull request to help with updating the Repo URL. ~Ibuprophen

@AmperAndSand, I had submitted a pull request regarding this on https://github.com/rovo89/XposedInstaller/pull/458 quite some time ago that had addressed this specific issue successfully and, unfortunately, it apparently went ignored. I ended...

@rovo89, this is an option that @DVDAndroid has on the Material Design Installer for downloading a Module only to be installed at a later time.

I see that now after looking closely at the image that @Mannshoch had provided. I do know that this option is not available for the Modules in your Installer @rovo89...

You can always manually override this in the meantime (awaiting further guidance from the developer(s) )... Go into... `about:config` ... add the following new string... `general.useragent.override.web.skype.com` ... and enter one...

@Woolwit, I just updated my last post for clarity and added the UA you used. All is kewl! :-) ~Ibuprophen

Changing the Package Name (Installation Directory Structure) isn't always an easy thing to do and its complexity (how much work would be involved) all depends upon the complexity of the...

I was just wondering about some feedback from anyone who may have tried/tested this feature on the latest version of the Software... :-)

I can't believe this one... I am looking at this issue and completely thinking of something else! I must be suffering from HCS (Having Children Syndrome)!!! LOL... :-) Sorry about...