In the remote control template files, "**remote.html**", used by OpenWebif what is the purpose of the "**alt**" attribute in the "area" tag? These "**area**" tags are a map overlay coordinates...
Since version 1.3.428 selecting a service from any of the bouquets to stream results in a "Playback failed!" error message. Playback of recordings is fine and quite improved since prior...
Please add a way to allow multiple receivers to be used on the AndroidTV version of the app.
All spacer records: >#SERVICE 1:832:D:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: within bouquets are being displayed as available services. These should be silently ignored.
All spacer records: > #SERVICE 1:64:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0::Terrestrial TV LCN > ##DESCRIPTION Terrestrial TV LCN within bouquets are being displayed as available services. These should either be ignored or used in the...
It would be very helpful to add an option to list the available bouquets on each "Profile" and allow the user to nominate any bouquets that should be hidden. I...
When you select the "Sync picons" option the service picons do not appear to be loaded and all services revert to the default picon. When "Use online picons" is enabled...