funannotate v1.8.12 `Funannotate annotate` failed when I included the argument `--antismash /path/to/annotate_misc/antiSMASH.results.gbk` because the file did not exist. I dug into it and discovered that annotate was removing the file...
**Are you using the latest release?** `funannotate v1.8.12` **Describe the bug** The logfile for funannotate predict seemed to show that everything ran ok. But the outputs (.protein.fa and .gff) contain...
Now that NCBI had released their internal adapter contamination screening tool for public use (https://ncbiinsights.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2022/07/28/fcs-beta-tool/), would it be possible to add an option for FCS-adaptor to be run as part...
**Are you using the latest release?** `funannotate v1.8.11`. **Describe the bug** funannotate test is failing at the predict step with error "Not enough gene models 175 to train Augustus (200...
Hello, I am requesting two new terms for organic materials relating to fungi. These would be used for "env_medium" annotations of DNA sequence data submitted to NCBI. This is my...
This is the solution I am currently using for the issue described in #736 where antiSMASH cluster numbering starts over from 1 on each contig. It isn't terribly elegant, but...
Updated downloads.json to the current versions of MIBiG and dbCAN. Note: Because of an error with the dbCAN readme file, funannotate database will still show dbCAN v11.0 even with the...
### Description of bug binspreader threw an error while parsing assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa. It looks like there are semicolons where the program was expecting tabs. I did not modify the assembly graph...