David Pine

Results 42 issues of David Pine

- Fixes #287 - Update all NuGet packages and TFMs - Fix issues related to upgrading - Add `IAsyncEnumerabe PageAsync` API, fixes #197

In this PR: - Added `Disptach()` extension method for `new T()` scenarios - Added support for value-type features - Added new unit tests

## Summary Draft `HttpClient` article Fixes #30363 ## Internal preview - [Make HTTP requests with the HttpClient](https://review.docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fundamentals/networking/httpclient?branch=pr-en-us-30543)


Port, redirect and modernize all .NET networking content. There is a whole sub-doc-set located here: - [Network Programming in the .NET Framework](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/network-programming) Much of this content is severely out-of-date, and...

:watch: Not Triaged

Cleanup: - Split classes into separate files - Fixed logging perf issues, avoided interpolated messages, and instead used format. - Consistent file-scoped namespaces. - Use `GlobalUsings` where it makes sense....

Fix typo. It should read as ".NET".

Create a new project named `TypeScript.SyntaxTreeParser` and manually convert the TypeScript `parser.ts` bits into a C# TypeScript parser (from the compiler itself). - [`parser.ts`](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compiler/parser.ts) - [`types.ts`](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compiler/types.ts) This library will be...


Instead of using a `public partial interface I{Name}Service` with the `JSAutoInterop` or `JSAutoGenericInterop`, allow for an assembly-level attribute. ```csharp [assembly: JSAutoInterop( TypeName = "Storage", Implementation = "window.localStorage", Url = "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage")]...


As part of .NET 5 wave, we need to evaluate all .NET sample source code - specifically looking at the version used. If the version used in the samples repo...

:construction: Hold for related PR
:file_folder: Repo - samples

I have an Azure function that handles a GitHub webhook invocation for issues and pull requests. When it fires, I add a label and a reaction -- those both work...

Type: Bug