修复 #92 中提到的bug: 使用监听,在 musicList 更新时对 shuffledList 进行一次更新,从而解决列表切换后的实际播放列表未更换的问题。
Maybe you can padding the image first, otherwise invalid information will be fused in the large scale token: ``` def expand2square(timg, factor=128): # padding first _, _, h, w =...
encoder和decoder共享参数我没有在我看过的文献中看到过,我看过的INN的paper比较少,能否提示一下你的idea来源? 我稍微看了下实现,似乎encoder和decoder都加载了预训练vgg的参数,并且参数在训练时不更新,差别是用卷积/转置卷积加载参数。但是据我所知,这种情况下encoder和decoder并不是可逆的,甚至都不是近似可逆,为什么可以正常让投影到特征空间的特征重新投影会图像空间,并且取得明显的提升呢?
I noticed that you've removed the DDIM option in the current version of the code, even though it didn't seem to work in the initial version. Sampling efficiency is one...
### System Info When the elementwise_affine attribute of PyTorch’s LayerNorm is set to False, the LayerNorm has no weights or biases. At this point, the following error will occur: ```Shell...