Hui Zeng

Results 25 comments of Hui Zeng

You may not use it in the right way. Please read the pre-processing and post-processing of test_GAIC_qualitative_customer.m rather than simply call the generate_crop function. -------- 原始邮件 --------主题:Re: [HuiZeng/Grid-Anchor-based-Image-Cropping] For generating...

> Hi @HuiZeng Can we smoothly run Python version code in Google Colab ?... Because we have not many tools as you mention in paper. I asking about GPU and...

Hello! Yes, we tested previous methods exactly as your description.

Please also note that those crops in the dataset with annotated score "-2" are discarded, cause they have irregular aspect ratios.

I uploaded the testing code here: The attached results are obtained from VFN. Sorry for not polishing this code. You may mess up the order of different crops if...

The result file is formulated as: image ID, crop ID, predicted score.

> Hi,I found that the acc2/5 is lager than the acc3/5 at the line VEN of the table 5 in your updated paper. Is that right? I think it is...

Hi, you are right. The code by default does not support training with bs>1. For training with bs>1, the input image should be organized to have same resolution. Check lines...

Hi, the identity LUT itself outputs the same image as the input while the zero LUT output zeros for all RGB inputs.
