Image-Adaptive-3DLUT copied to clipboard
Error when batch size > 1
Hi, thanks for your great work.
I try your code on fiveK dataset and find that it can run successfully using the default setting (batch size=1). However, when I switch to a larger batch size (e.g. 2 or 16), an error occurs as follows:
RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [3, 507, 472] at entry 0 and [3, 408, 482] at entry 1
From my previous experience, maybe you need to align the sizes of different images then put them into a tensor.
Hi, you are right. The code by default does not support training with bs>1. For training with bs>1, the input image should be organized to have same resolution. Check lines 69-72 in for details. In addition, if you are using the latest version of pytorch, the trilinear interpolation should also be modified in model_x,py which can check the implementation in,
Can batch_size > 1 during training get comparable performance with batch_size=1 in your experiment? thanks If batch_size>1 can get similar performance, it can save lot of time
Hi, you are right. The code by default does not support training with bs>1. For training with bs>1, the input image should be organized to have same resolution. Check lines 69-72 in for details. In addition, if you are using the latest version of pytorch, the trilinear interpolation should also be modified in model_x,py which can check the implementation in,
嗨,你说得对。代码默认不支持 bs>1 的训练。 对于 bs>1 的训练,输入图像应组织为具有相同的分辨率。有关详细信息,请查看 中的第 69-72 行。 另外,如果你使用的是最新版本的pytorch,三线性插值也要在model_x,py中修改,可以在model.py中查看实现,