Hosameldin Mohamed
Hosameldin Mohamed
#### Summary A block similar to the `Jacobian` block,  but provided with 2 frame names as inputs, it gives the relative Jacobian between the 2 frames....
See https://github.com/robotology/yarp/pull/2999 Probably it makes sense to think of an alternative way to wrap the plugin.
How to reproduce it: - run Gazebo with DART engine option ``` gazebo -e dart ``` - Import `iCubGazeboV2_5` model. - Reset with `ctrl+r`. The robot collapses and these messages...
In the current implementation of the nice plugin `externalwrench`, the applied wrenches can only be set w.r.t the world reference frame. See the response to the "help" command: ``` Insert...
If I put in the YAML file the following lines: ```yaml assignedMasses: l_upper_arm : 1.8703 r_upper_arm : 1.8703 ``` Then: ```yaml mirroredInertia: - mirroredLink: l_upper_arm originalLink: r_upper_arm simmetryReferenceLink: root_link symmetryPlane:...
I used the visualizer in my PC, and it seems I am missing some dependencies. - First, when I build the system using `pip install .`, I get the follwoing...