Hi, please enable conda install for pymeshlab if possible. Thank you.
Hi, I really struggle with the installation of CloudComPy. Sometimes it's working and sometimes the wrapper cannot be successfully launched. I think it would be much easier (for me and...
Dear developer, Thanks for implementing a Python-API for CC. Is the function "2D polygon" already implemented for CloudComPy? If not, I would really appreciate your effort.
Dear Kai, when I use the post-processing tool "Detect Cavities", the program loads very long and eventually crashes. Any ideas how to remedy this issue? Best
Hi Kai, can you please explain how to build constraints for masonary walls (masonary infills in RC frame structures) using the BCB add-on? Thank you. Wish you a great day!
Dear Kai, is there a way to increase the time increment for the export of the displacement time history? Regardless of the steps per second I choose, the time increment...
Dear Kai, I would like to define clamped supports (Mx, My, Mz) on column bases. In the BCB add-on I can only find support conditions for X, Y and Z...
Hi, how can I extract the plane equation from RANSAC_SD plugin for planar primitives? Best, HollowHeartNet
Hi Paul, would it be possible to implement the CANUPO plugin in CloudComPy or is there already a way to use the plugin outside the CloudCompare GUI? In any case...
Hi, I would like to use CC to rotate a point cloud in the XY plane so that all Z values are approximately the same size. My point cloud has...