bullet-constraints-builder copied to clipboard
Clamped support condition
Dear Kai,
I would like to define clamped supports (Mx, My, Mz) on column bases. In the BCB add-on I can only find support conditions for X, Y and Z (under "Fix Foundation"). Can you please explain me how to define a support against moment action? Thank you very much.
Hi! Fix Foundation is a tool for automatically creating foundation elements for the entire structure using fixed connections (locking all degrees of freedom). If you need more specific connections then I would recommend to build these manually using Blender's rigid body constraints, see here: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.79/physics/rigid_body/constraints/index.html
The BCB will detect predefined connections between elements of its element groups and will integrate them into the generated model. Here is a simple example: test_external-constraints.zip
Hi Kai, Thank you for responding. I still don't quite understand how you defined the connection in "test_external-constraints.blend". I have checked the elements but I cannot see any predefined rigid body constraint. Can you please explain to me how I can check the constraint definition in "test_external-constraints.blend" ?
I am sorry for the many questions. I am actually a Blender and BCB beginner.
You can define objects as rigid body objecs and connect them with constraints. This is a standard feature in Blender and it works even without the BCB, it's described in the manual I linked to. You can also try to look for some Blender physics tutorials on YouTube to get the idea, I found this for instance: https://youtu.be/7ky-P_dvJ1s
In the example file you can find an "empty" object (the arrows) which represents the constraint, if you select it you can modify its properties. Keep in mind to select the entire structure again afterwards before building with the BCB.
Here you can find tutorials from us describing the general workflow for the BCB: https://inachuslaurea.wordpress.com/downloads
Thank you very much! This helps me alot!