I will check this PR tomorrow.
@tkusano Please check my review. After that, ping pfrazee-san.
Thank you for correcting the notation shaking.
@tkusano @dolciss @oboenikui @noritada @middlingphys @hibiki https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app/pull/2881 has been closed as new translation sections have been added in this PR. Please check again that the changes are correct, as this...
> ライト/ダーク/薄暗いについては、poファイル内の該当箇所にコメントで意図を書いておくのはどうでしょうか。 > > 参考:[The Format of PO Files](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html) > > Crowdin等であればそちらの機能が使えるのですが。 > > @Hima-Zinn 意図というかなんか変に巻き戻されなくていればそのままだったんですけどね。
@tkusano @dolciss @oboenikui @noritada @middlingphys @hibiki @reindex-ot Due to the lack of progress in updating the Japanese-language display, it has been moved to https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app/pull/3164. I apologize for the inconvenience, but...
@ maintainer of this repo. https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app/pull/3164 is the new PR. Please note that this PR is old.
NEW PR: https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app/pull/3196