Anguram Shanmugam
Anguram Shanmugam
Is there any way to make emoji non-responsive to the font-style?
Of Course, you can go for it. Even Vishwas mentioned it in the tutorial. But using TypeScript only for TypeChecking is a good practice I'd say!
Can you publish the project in github and send link? or Mention the project structure.
Hi Kent, 1. For the 1st Thread: - You should always add config files in the root. That's the standared almost all libraries follow. - declarations file works fine some...
Yeah you missed some TypeScript packages. Eg: `@types/react-router-dom`, also try comment react-cookies. Since you only declared.
Hi Kent, If the Issue got rectified. Please close.
I think @gopinav wanted it a less strict way for starters. But you can do it in a couple of ways. You can tweak `tsconfig.json` or **Linting Rules**. But yeah...
Can you provide the log if possible?
Try including react-router-dom as "dependencies" instead of "dev-dependencies"
@KhangNT1105 Tried the above tip?