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Stop rendering pseudo-italic fonts when italic is not available
When using fonts which don't have italic variants, such as Fira Mono, VScode renders them anyway, using a simple skew. Goes the same for emojis.
This looks quite bad, and should be avoided.
@ivancuric While not the solution you wanted, but DejaVu Sans Mono looks very similar to Fira Mono with nice italic variants.
Yeah, emojis and symbols are really bad with italics (I have a theme that makes all comments italics). Can this be fixed please?
If from "Can this be fixed" you meant to unitalicize the comments but keep using that theme, add the following to your settings.json
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Theme Name]": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": [
"settings": {
"fontStyle": ""
Nothing to do with a specific token, but font rendering in general. If a certain glyph doesn't have an italic variant, VScode shouldn't try to render it using faux italic. Same goes for faux bold.
This might be a Chromium issue.
Yup -- emojis are particularly bad
Yes, Emoji's LOOK HORRIBLE.... 😢
Is there any way to make emoji non-responsive to the font-style?
For now, I found a WorkAround if anyone is Interested, USING TextMate-Grammer that VSCODE has Support for:
Its Pretty much HardCoded based on What Characters are what..... Not really related to Fonts having the Italic Variations or not.... But at least it can FIX THE Emojis 😉
package.json (in an extension)
"contributes": {
"themes": [
"label": "Eva Dark",
"uiTheme": "vs-dark",
"path": "./themes/Eva-Dark.json"
"grammars": [
"doc": "as this is package.json we have syntaxes folder which has another json",
"path": "./syntaxes/test.tmGrammar.json",
"doc": "should be matching to 'scopeName' that you have in test.tmGrammar.json",
"scopeName": "NonASCII.injection.cpp",
"doc": "We want to INJECT, not OverWrite the Existing TEXT-MATE Scopes",
"injectTo": ["source.cpp"]
related TextMateGrammar.json
// ./syntaxes/test.tmGrammar.json
// I know json doesn't support DOC-STRINGS
// Well, why not just highlight nonASCII chars U can (non-)highlight your Main Language too if Unicode has that support
"scopeName": "NonASCII.injection.cpp",
"doc": "L: means we want our TextMate Injection to be on LEFT than already existing grammar rules. means, Our Injected Scope should be more Prioritized (REF: VSCode Syntax Highlighting Guide)",
"injectionSelector": [
"doc": "We could have wrote match & name here inside this patterns if we wanted. But doing this has Advantages.... we could do RECURSIVE Grammar Rules (Example in Syntax Guide)",
"patterns": [
"include": "#Non-ASCII-Chars"
"repository": {
"Non-ASCII-Chars": {
"doc": "Note the double BACKSLASHES ;) & without the asterisk vscode will separate Non-ASCII word into letters [It would still work but INSPECT TOKEN will show each letter separated]",
"match": "\\p{^ASCII}*",
"name": "comment.non-ascii.cpp"
Then for any theme that makes COMMENTS Italic you can use the scope that you just created, in my case that would be comment.non-ascii.cpp
and edit your theme file, add different logic for this scope
Well, you can choose any of the 'Character Property [3.]' from TextMate Expressions (e.g. Latin, Greek, Han or even Distinguish between Hiragana & Katakana)
Here is the Syntax Highlighting Guide part where you should start: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/syntax-highlight-guide#injection-grammars
This may be an operating system issue?
I'm on Ventura 13.1 on a mac, and I wanted an italic from one font but the Bergen Mono otherwise. I installed only the Bergen Mono non-italics, but found it rendered with an artificial italic. Having found this thread, I gave up, and went to install the 3 missing italics. The Font installer warns me that a version of this font is already installed, and renders the same fake italics from the Bergen Mono that I believe I am seeing in vscode.
The proper solution is to remove the font, then reinstall with the additional missing faces (otherwise I believe if you try "keep both" it will rename them). But what surprised me was that it detected a conflict for a font based on only new face-and-variant of the font.
VScode should use font-synthesis: none;
to fix this.
Sadly this doesn't work as expected with emojis on chromium.
Reported on https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1416834
Simply adding the css option font-synthesis: none;
can fix this issue:
I think adding an option or enabling customization of the css style can easily solve this problem. Is anyone working on this?