to be fair inheritance isn't my strongest area but looking at the base class it appears that OriginalTitle is missing, which is weird as you would expect the title of...
I believe so they are done in software so as long as they aren't hard mapped to something it should be possible...oh and someone in the shmups thread did it...
thanks for that Valneshok, I'm not sure I tried updating the wire display but I tried the wire.begins previously as you mentioned it didn't seem to work maybe that was...
Version 6.1-7......I think I spot whats going on here....this is the contents of netdimm log: 2022-04-22 15:00:31,134 Game requested is 2022-04-22 15:00:31,135 2022-04-22 15:00:31,136 /boot/roms/ch-outrun2specialtours_512_SBJE.bin.gz 2022-04-22 15:00:31,136 2022-04-22 15:00:31,137 Netdimm...
Thanks I think its default of 64mb on 512gb systems anyway, I tried the lowest permissible 16mb its still the same problem, its a shame the tools seem to spool...
It is actually on a larger SD card I will try that to be fair I did toy with the idea of creating a scratch to see if it worked...
I haven't had a chance to have a crack it yet real life responsibilities get in the way :( but when I do I will let you know.