"Objectified relationships are the preferred way to handle relationships among objects. This allows to keep relationship specific properties directly at the relationship and opens the possibility to later handle relationship...
"In my understanding, Relations are currently more important in the current schema than the actual objects - even if the vast majority of the IFC audience first looks at objects,...
@pipauwel Thx for your explanations. This will help me for further discussions outside this thread.
@TLiebich bS is supported by different stakeholder-groups, **not only** by software industry. I aggree that major steps need alignment with software industry to ensure feasibility and consensus. But please keep...
ADDENDUM I described the issue incompletely. Therefore I round the description off by using an example: Real buildings mostly have numerous windows out of a few designs. In the IFC...
IfcOwnerHistory provides support for transactions between CDE (“model server”) and applications. See attributes “State” and “ChangeAction”: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2/HTML/schema/ifcutilityresource/lexical/ifcstateenum.html “… for partial model exchange and is intended for use primarily by a...
as well see discussion https://forums.buildingsmart.org/t/ifcownerhistory/2246
Answers to comments from @janbrouwer "... is there any system that trusts the changes done by another system without checking every parameter against it's own truth?" Will systems in future...
What do we loose if we deprecate IfcOwnerHistory: Technology independent IFC support of partial model exchange scenarios (for BIM Level 3)
I propose to postpone the decision on IfcOwnerHistory until we have a consensus how to handle the "partial model exchange scenario" between authoring software and CDE.