I have now the exactly same problem! Still works fine on Laptop Lenovo ThinkPad, Windows 10, Google Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (64-Bit) Did work fine a few months ago on Google...
I used https domain up to now, Now I tried to explicitely refernce https domain in but this did NOT solve the problem:
Not working on Android Firefox 62.0.1 as well
Working well on Android Opera 47.3.2249.130976 Working well on Android Edge
> I think this was a uglifyJS issue, building instascan.min.js new with `gulp release` seems to fix this. Thanks! This solved the problem on my mobile phone Sony Xperia Z3...
For solution look at Thread #171 "Invalid asm.js: Type mismatch in assignment [instascan.min.js]:18"
Solution of Thread #171 still works after update to Chrom 71.0.3578.98
> "I see both as necessary (**removing** relationships and **Unique Ids**)." Is this in contradiction to "To guarantee a future proof IFC, the schema needs to: .... 3. remove circular...
> "A site has a number of buildings; a building is not on multiple sites." Most relationsships in real life in the final analysis apear to be many-to-many relationships. one-to-one...
@pipauwel I would like to better understand your arguments and your viewpoint. What consequences in XML, JSON, and RDF do you expect?