Sorrel Paris
Sorrel Paris
This is still an issue as of writing this. Can we please have a answer on whether these critical and high vulnerabilities will be patched in the next release? This...
Update: **PowerShell Core Version: 7.2.1-1.rh** appeared to be the root cause of this issue. Downgrading back to **PowerShell Core Version: 7.2.0-1.rh** InSpec works without modification to the transport vmware.rb module....
Please see
is there any movement to get this resolved?
Was there a solution found for this? I am running GitLab CI and encountering this issue. I am running it locally against the container itself.
update: only way found to make it atleast not pass a bad UUID failure is to do: `inspec exec profile --reporter=cli json:destfolder/file.json` for those that have the same issue as...
This is achievable through PowerCLI as well as pyvmomi directly - would sweet to see this implemented into a module.
@fsuits thank you for the response. Would you be able to provide an expected timeline for the next release or two?
@fsuits are there development builds and development documentation that are accessible? not full blown releases but is there a dev branch I could clone with the latest? I cloned this...
@clintoncwolfe I feel it is necessary to tag at this point so that users of InSpec can recieve an answer on this topic