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Enable Migration of VSS with single Uplink to DVS with single Uplink
It is possible to migrate a Host with a single vmnic uplink from its default vSwitch0 'VM Network' to a Distributed vSwitch without losing connectivity to Host via the vCenter vSphere Web Client. This function is not possible through the vmware_dvs_host
modules. Each of these modules appear to have safe guards that prevent removing a vmnic from a switch if it is the only vmnic assigned.
- Feature Idea
Explored modules
Suggested Module Name
This feature would be used to migrate a Host with its uplinks between Virtual Switches (standard and/or distributed)
Possible module usage examples
- name: Migrate vSwitch0 to dvSwitch0 with single UpLink
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxi_hostname }}"
current_switch_name: vSwitch0
current_portgroup_name: 'VM Network'
migrate_switch_name: dvSwitch0
migrate_portgroup_name: Management
- vmnic0
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Migrate vSwitch0 to dvSwitch0 with Multiple UpLinks & LAG
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxi_hostname }}"
current_switch_name: vSwitch0
current_portgroup_name: 'VM Network'
migrate_switch_name: dvSwitch0
migrate_portgroup_name: Management
- lag: lag1
- vmnic0
- vmnic1
- lag: lag2
- vmnic2
- vmnic3
delegate_to: localhost
I just ran into this issue too. I can reconfigure the uplink from vSwtich0 to a distributed virtual switch via the gui but get an error when I use the vmware_dvs_host module. This would be a great feature/module.
This is achievable through PowerCLI as well as pyvmomi directly - would sweet to see this implemented into a module.
This is achievable through PowerCLI as well as pyvmomi directly - would sweet to see this implemented into a module.
Are you sure this can be done with pyVmomi? Do you have some example code, by any chance?
I have run into this issue as well. What I have done as a workaround is the perform the following: Create the VDS Create DPG Add the Hosts to the mgmt VDS excluding vmnic0, add only using vmnic1 Migrate vmk0 from the VSS to the VDS Remove the VSS Add vmnic0 to the VDS
When you add vnic0, ensure you list vmnic1 as well and it will configure the correct order of the uplinks
I am however running into another issue while attempting to apply this configuration via a workflow template. I am receiving: Cannot complete operation due to concurrent modification by another operation within vSphere.
I am only running the playbook against 3 hosts in a cluster.
Any suggestions?
I am receiving: Cannot complete operation due to concurrent modification by another operation within vSphere.
You have to add 'throttle: 1' to your task. The is necessary because you can only add one Host by one to a DVS and ansible runs a tasks typically on 4 hosts parallel.
That feature would really be helpful. We sometimes have new locations where cabling is not complete but we need to start configuration with just a single interface connected to a switch. Not being able to move the vmk ports for mgmt traffic always breaks the deployment.
@JoschuaA4 I have set all my playbooks related to vsphere to throttle at 1. vsphere will still not be happy with the loss of connectivity to a host. I have created a workflow order to work around this: Create new VDS Create/Modify DPG Add hosts to all VDS Migrate the mgmt vmk Remove VSS Migrate vmnic0
but with just one vmnic it will break after "migrate mgmt vmk" or does throttle help?