
Results 2 comments of 4za

After editing three files it now [compiles](https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/tutorials/qz93/unreal-engine-building-plugins) successfully. Tested on Unreal Engine 5.3. Here's the patch file: [**diff.patch**](https://github.com/neil3d/UAnimatedTexture5/files/12837866/diff.patch) ### How to apply the patch: put _diff.patch_ in AnimatedTexturePlugin folder and...

[Built using UE 5.3.2.rar.zip](https://github.com/neil3d/UAnimatedTexture5/files/13742231/Built.using.UE.5.3.2.rar.zip) Already compiled, just extract it in your 5.3.2 project Plugins folder. If you'd like to see your build errors (when compiling yourself) Create an empty C++...