Matthew Chadwick (work)

Results 11 issues of Matthew Chadwick (work)

``` (percent* (percent 50) (percent 50)) => #garden.types.CSSUnit{:unit :%, :magnitude 2500} ```

patch welcome

I've tried using `->clj` with mouse events in a Reagent app with both `(fn [e] (->clj e) ...)` where the fn is the handler for the event, but it doesn't...

I've noticed what looks like an inverse linear relationship between average outlier score and noise, i.e. the lower the average outlier score the more points are classified as noise, in...

If Figwheel isn't running, `println` blocks with `uncaught exception: AssertionError: Assertion failed: Cannot send without an open socket`

I'm using a basic Sente-enabled client and server setup: ``` (chsk-send! [:ping {:sent (.now js/Date)}] 1000000 (fn [r] (println "


`` returns nil for points that are the same: ``` (circumcircle-raw [0.5 0.5] [0.5 0.5] [0.5 0.5]) => nil ``` causing a NPE in `` : ``` (alter-meta! #'td/triangle-spec update...

I'm using `libpython-clj 2.018` with aarch64 jdk-18.0.1.jdk, with `:jdk-17` alias' `:jvm-opts` and I get this error when `(require '[libpython-clj2.require :refer [require-python]])` on an M1 Mac: `INFO: Unable to find direct...

Quick Documentation says "No documentation found" for some libraries, e.g. [Datahike]( However, in the case of `datahike.api` its vars do have `:doc` in their metadata: ``` (:doc (meta #'d/q))...

in `MoveSpeedView` `var joyconData1 : joyconData!` > Use of undeclared type 'joyconData'

When using Figwheel, `(require '[emmy.env])` gives [this]( stacktrace, the cause of which is: ``` Compile Warning /Users/me/libs/emmy/src/emmy/calculus/manifold.cljc Protocol ICoordinateSystem is overwriting function uuid 16 (:refer-clojure :exclude [uuid]) 17 (:require #?(:cljs...