Matthew Chadwick (work)
Matthew Chadwick (work)
oh yeh! I used Loom for another project months ago, forgot about it, great lib
It's a good idea. There are other ways clique gets things wrong too; libs using Potemkin's import-vars for example end-up with duplicate subgraphs.
preserving such information would allow for graphs to be coloured & styled to show more information, good idea. btw I made a graph of your project's internal dependencies only, see...
all useful information which graph should include, yes
If you use the command-line via lein, then it only returns a graph of dependencies in namespaces outside those of a namespace, but if you use it as a lib,... get a graph of all your dependencies, add [lein-clique "0.1.2"] to your project deps vector then in a repl do (require '[clique.core :as c]) and ((fn [ds](c/export-graphviz %28c/nodes ds%29...
oh yes, forgot how my code worked! needs (filter namespace) `(with-open [o (io/writer "deps.csv")] (csv/write-csv o (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (map (partial vector k) (filter namespace (remove (partial = k)...
yes, this would be a useful option
I'm still seeing this in the latest Cursive, as soon as I click to create a breakpoint the red dot turns into a greyed out ⌀ with the hover text...
here: ``` WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.foreign, jdk.incubator.vector Clojure 1.11.1 (require '[libpython-clj2.require :as pyr :refer [require-python]]) WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace: tech.v3.datatype.functional-api, being replaced by: #'tech.v3.datatype.functional-api/abs WARNING:...