Flo Kempenich
Flo Kempenich
Hi, Thanks for this amazing software, it's just so much better than the native remarkable app. That being said, since I changed my mac I can't install this app anymore....
Hi, The section: 'What to do next' -> 'Test for Graceful Degradation' mentions **Persona**. At first, I figured I missed something somewhere but after a quick google search I realized...
Instead of importing ```python from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse ``` we could import ```python from django.urls import reverse ``` Importing from `urlresolvers` is only kept for backwards compatibility, and it isn't...
In ch07l006, there is an useless assertion that sneaked in. Basically, that test: ```python self.assertNotIn('make a fly', page_text) ``` is useless because in `test_multiple_users_can_start_lists_at_different_urls` Edith did not create a second...
In `ch11l032`, this is introduced, to test the HTML5 validation: ```python self.wait_for(lambda: self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector( '#id_text:invalid' )) ``` However, it isn't testing anything. Because we are using `find_elementS_by_css_selector(...)` if the element is...
It's a bit confusing when you write: ```python item.save() item.full_clean() ``` while the name of the tests is `test_cannot_save_empty_list_item` Because in the end... _the item is saved_. It can be...
In ```bash elspeth@server:$ set -a; source .env; set +a ``` It would be nice to explain the `set -a;` & `set +a`. I found out by googling (https://stackoverflow.com/a/43267603/4490991)
## Describe the bug I'm trying to build a custom layout and I'd like to print out some debug info as I build the layout. The problem is: **I have...
**Describe the bug** Since this morning lots of features are failing to load, they all have the same error ``` Toolkit Error: - Feature: DisplayTotalMonthlyGoals - Feature Setting: show-goal-breakdown-and-income-vs-spending -...
Hi, Instead of using a custom animation in performDismiss(), I used the built in remove animation set in the recyclerView. This way, no need to track items to delete during...