https://github.com/d3st1nyh4x/snek https://github.com/XorTroll/emuiibo https://github.com/HookedBehemoth/sys-tune
When the language option is simplified Chinese, the app cannot display the simplified Chinese translation correctly. It seems that you have not republished the app that has fixed the error……...
I tried to replace it with the Asian version of the saves, well then I failed. I spent some time trying to fix it, but eventually I found out that...
what I used: latest atmosphere and firmware game: Buddy Mission Bond (HK ver. title: 010042F014A00000) In the album this game is show up as "搭档任务 秘密搜查组", but in the NXgallery...
As the question. i have 44 pages of screenshots, when i want to go to page 22, i need to scroll down the page, click next page, scroll down the...
I know it hasn't been updated in a long time, but in the previous atmosphere it had been working well and I used it all the time. It's sad that...