
Results 37 comments of hzmi

The problem is we can't identify what kind of actual errors are really sent from the API, for example, 400 Bad Request could mean an invalid token but it could...

Can reproduce on Windows and Linux on Node.js v16 (16.5.0), but this issue does not exist on v14 (14.17.3). Using ytdl-core and piping it to fs.createWriteStream does not have any...

> Can reproduce on Windows and Linux on Node.js v16 (16.5.0), but this issue does not exist on v14 (14.17.3). Using ytdl-core and piping it to fs.createWriteStream does not have...

Originally, I thought of "locking" @discordjs/voice to use a specific opus library, but this can be done by the user itself. For example: Encode the audio to ogg/opus first then...

Yes, sorry. The original idea was locking down to a specific opus library, but I changed my mind. The new idea was a way for users to pass a custom...

What's the status of this?

Docker version 20.10.17 with `firewalld` version 1.1.1 on Arch Linux seems to be working fine now. Please note that I used `iptables-nft` instead of the regular `iptables`

Heads up, Jukebox v5 is near, it is only blocked by #720 and #721

Jukebox v5 is released https://github.com/Hazmi35/jukebox/releases/tag/5.0.0